Calming Tea Bags

(4 customer reviews)


7 sachets / pack

This tea bags are full of relaxing effects, helping to soothe the body and calm the mind.

SKU: T6 Category: Tags: ,


Roasted licorice, Jujube kernels, red dates, roses, tuckahoe, gardenia, wolfberry etc


Relax, peace and calm


  1. Place 1 tea bag in a mug.
  2. Add 250-300ml of boiling water. Amount of water may be adjusted to suit personal taste.
  3. Steep for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Tea bag may be reused, if so desire.

Serves 1                       Shelf life: One year keep refrigerated

Sulphur free, no preservative and no added sugar

7 Sachets per pack 

Weight 0.1 kg

4 reviews for Calming Tea Bags

  1. Lim Hao Pong

    I’ve always taken it before my bedtime. Allow me to sleep much better

  2. Tse Ren Ngor

    Good for blood circulation. Suitable for my whole family

  3. Peter Fong

    Sachets sizes are not consistent.

  4. Mau Kee

    My wife loves it!

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