Throat Soothing Tea Bag


7 sachets / pack

SKU: T4 Category: Tag:


Luo Han Guo, Ginseng Root, Scaphium Affine, Licorice, Chrysanthemum, Tangerine Peel, Dried Pear etc


Soothe the dry throat


  1. Place 1 tea bag in a mug.
  2. Add 250-300ml of boiling water. Amount of water may be adjusted to suit personal taste.
  3. Steep for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Tea bag may be reused, if so desire.


Serves 1                       Shelf life: One year keep refrigerated


Sulphur free, no preservative and no added sugar

7 Sachets per pack 

Weight 0.1 kg


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